ERP Packages Feature Comparison

ERP Packages Feature Comparison

There is an interesting ERP comparison article on ITToolbox. It is however skewed in the applications considered. The author compared Oracle and SAP against Microsoft Great Plains (Dynamics GP). This is an unfair comparison since the more powerful ERP application from Microsoft is Axapta (Dynamics AX). Great Plains plays in a different market space.

Further, one of the compared products is Seibel. The title is ERP packages, yet Seibel is a CRM product. To make this more confusing, the comparison included PeopleSoft Enterprise 8.8 and 8.9 and EnterpriseOne 8.11. EnterpriseOne is the JD Edwards product, but there was no distinction in the article as to which PeopleSoft application was being compared for specific features.

Despite these shortcomings, the article brings up a lot of very good points about the various applications. The seven application criteria mentioned in the article are good items to consider in any larger system implementation. Whether or not they make any difference in the small to midsize business is a question to consider. For example, Web Services may not be really important to a manufacturer who is simply trying to get control of their inventory.

In the ERP market, it is often difficult to compare apples-to-apples, however it still looks as if people are trying to compare apples, oranges, and pears…

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ERP Packages Feature Comparison

ERP Packages Feature Comparison

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