ERP Software automates renewal management.

ERP Software automates renewal management.
NetSuite Software Company Edition serves software companies that need to manage array of varying revenue models, including complex processes for supporting recurring revenue management streams. It brings automation and real-time visibility to management of renewals, billing, and contract management. In addition to unifying these processes, software delivers uplift and discount management as well …

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ERP Project Management Books

We are posting the link to various top selling ERP Project Management books. These will be updated occasionally for your review to see the latest information on key project management methods.

We hope you find this useful. It is always useful to refresh yourself on Project Management techniques.

8 Steps to successful ERP Change Management

All implementation project managers must focus on people, processes and technology. It is the people aspect that is often the most complicated. Any enterprise software endeavor creates a wave of resistance. The difference between success and failure is determined by how you manage the change process.

There are many methods, but one useful method is the Kotter Change Management Methodology. This method was developed and documented by John Kotter, a noteable professor at the Harvard Business School. According to Mr. Kotter, the Eight Steps to a successful change are:

1. Create a Sense of Urgency
2. Pull Together the Guiding Team
3. Decide What you will do
4. Communicate for Understanding and Buy-in
5. Empower others to act
6. Produce Short-term wins
7. Don’t let up
8. Create a New Culture

His latest book, shown here uses a fable to illustrate how to manage change is a wonderful book that gives the high-level understanding of change management. Using a penguin colony in Antarctica as the setting, the author uses this analogy to any change occurring with groups of people. It is worth a read, but more importantly it is worth your project team reading and discussing together. Using the eight steps outlined above, with a cohesive understanding of how change affects teams, together you can undertake any enterprise software rollout.

Be sure to read John Kotter’s other books on Leading Change.

Revenue and Receivables Management: Myths and Truths About ERP

Do you take best of breed or do you find a single source? The question of whether to implement multiple solutions that fit the specific niche areas of your business or to implement a single platform, single database solution of a modern ERP system.

There is an interesting article that debunks the myths of going best of breed. Taken with an accounting slant, this article does point out some of the key considerations an IT manager must make when considering whether to implement specialized solutions or to roll out a single ERP system:

Revenue and Receivables Management: Myths and Truths About ERP

By Sanjay Srivastava

Six myths about ERP debunked

Enterprise resource planning ERP technology has a proven history of delivering value to todays corporations by enabling a centralized information warehouse to be leveraged enterprise-wide. However, ERP has a broad focus, and best-of-breed BoB applications have been developed to provide the depth of functionality required by key functional areas, such as accounts receivable. As a result, corporations have long recognized the need for best-of-breed applications to bridge fill the void of ERPs functional limitations.

With ERPs broad focus, it is easy to believe that it can provide a single solution to all of your corporations challenges. However, it is important to know where the lines of reality and myth collide. There is no doubt that ERP plays a very crucial role in todays enterprise, but as with any technology, naturally there are functional limitations. It is crucial to understand what these limitations are.

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